Overflow 628147
Product number:
Vertical overflow part with smiley (neutral) For Typos D-100S, D-100 and D-100L, as well as Formhaus D-100 with purchase date before 03/2013 and from 01/2016. If you purchased these models between 03/2013 and 01/2016, please order item 628181. For Typos D-150 with purchase date before 03/2013. If you purchased the Typos D-150 from 03/2013, please order item 628181. Illustration may differ from the original.
Overflow part vertical with smiley (neutral)
Tip or Hint:
You can find tips and information on the care and installation of our products under Help & Advice![](/bundles/saintelmosschocktheme/images/eule_306-234.png)
Downloads & Links
No desire to install the product? With our SCHOCKy Spotify playlist, a motivated installation is guaranteed! In addition, we have also summarized all relevant and product-related information in PDF documents.